Advisory Group
The role of the Advisory Group is to provide advice and recommendations to erih+ on the ethical, scientific and technical area for current and future projects and activities. The Advisory Group consists of five experts within the field of publishing and publication. The members represent different expertise and knowledge in fields relevant to our mission.
Last updated: 14. May 2024
Alain Peyraube
Advisory group memberShow more
Dr. Nina Kancewicz-Hoffman
Advisory group memberShow more
Gabi Lombardo
Director of European Alliance for Social Sciences and Humanities ⋅ Advisory group memberShow more
Gunnar Sivertsen
Forsker 1 ⋅ Advisory group memberShow more
Johan Rooryck
Advisory group memberShow more
Maciej Maryl
Founding Director of CHC IBL PAN ⋅ Advisory group memberShow more